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As a leader, you know that an innovation mindset fuels long-term success. While most people think about innovation in a business sense, we work together to build an innovation & re-invention strategy for your own career. When it comes to promotions, key projects, career pivots you want to explore, a job change or even launching a new consulting practice, I’ll be a sounding board to chart a new course that feels exciting and engaging to you.

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I work with individuals and teams to understand and build a clear, compelling narrative and value focus that you can use to increase engagement, loyalty and opportunity from co-workers, hiring teams, staff members and industry peers. We’ll fine-tune your leadership style in alignment with your values, and then help turn your past, present and future value into an asset that opens up lots of new career potential for you.

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When you’re hungry for a new challenge, you have two options: create it where you are, or bring it to a new team. I’ll help you tap into this wellspring of opportunity and work together to maximize your promotability or security at your current job, if you have one. If you decide to do a job search or a board search, we’ll work together to build a go-to-market plan that will structure and propel your search, including resumes, LinkedIn, and job search guidance.

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Getting people to invest in your company, sign on as a customer, hire you, work for you, bring you on as a Board member, or include you in key industry idea exchanges requires that you have a well-known industry profile as a consistent, growth-oriented leader. We’ll build a thought leadership and content strategy plan together, helping you shine the spotlight on your innovative new ideas and your leadership potential.



Now entering my third decade as a career coach, and with prior experience in the leadership, hiring and human capital space, I serve as a senior leader in the career industry as a trusted one-on-one coach to executives. As the founder of multiple best-in-class career-focused platforms and networks, including CXO Directions, TurningPoint, and the Executive Career Coaching Alliance, I have dedicated my entire professional existence to thinking about topics related to careers and work.

With a singular focus honed through thousands of client success stories, I get ahead of trends in the future of work, including value drivers, personal brand-building, team building and job searching and bring those insights to you. I help leaders pivot to new possibilities by discovering best-fit career options, identifying market differentiators, amplifying thought leadership, and building strong networks that open opportunities.

I serve as a media spokesperson on career topics for The Wall St. Journal, CNBC, CBS, NPR, and other media outlets; I was the featured coach in the “Career Makeover” series for the Boston Globe, and I was named a Top 10 US Career Coach by CNN/Money.


I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Please complete the contact form below, and I’ll get back to you quickly.