Finding Career Alpha
Kathy Robinson Kathy Robinson

Finding Career Alpha

Warren Buffett famously said that the best investment you can make is the one you make in yourself. Here’s why, and how, to invest wisely in your career.

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How to Become a CEO
Kathy Robinson Kathy Robinson

How to Become a CEO

Wondering how to get the corner office and land a CEO job? Here are steps you can take ahead of time to be in the right position to take the helm.

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How to Handle Job Search Rejection
Kathy Robinson Kathy Robinson

How to Handle Job Search Rejection

If you’ve ever undertaken a job search, you’ve undoubtedly experienced the worst part of the entire experience: the job search rejection.

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The ‘Four Tendencies’ in a Career Search
Kathy Robinson Kathy Robinson

The ‘Four Tendencies’ in a Career Search

“How you do anything is how you do everything,” or so goes the maxim that floats around self-improvement literature. Although no one knows who first coined the phrase, there’s truth to it when it comes to career decision-making. Here’s why: when you’re facing a bold life decision, how you go about doing it matters just as much as why you’re thinking about it in the first place, and what you end up deciding to do in the long run.

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Should You Reunite With Your Ex (Employer)?
Kathy Robinson Kathy Robinson

Should You Reunite With Your Ex (Employer)?

You’re browsing online for connections when a familiar profile catches your eye. It’s your ex… employer. The possibilities are intriguing, but you’ve got some history together, and—whether you’re aware of it or not—you each have pre-established impressions of the other that could influence you both. Should you consider giving this relationship a second chance?

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Own Your Own Onboarding: A Success Plan For Your New Role
Kathy Robinson Kathy Robinson

Own Your Own Onboarding: A Success Plan For Your New Role

Well before day one of your new job, feelings of happiness and relief build up on both sides. Their reaction, upon your offer acceptance: “We can’t wait!” Notes float around the team with congratulations and anticipation about the hire that will finally allow them to have a stronger team and get more work done.

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Take a ‘Right Now’ Job, or Wait for the Right One?
Kathy Robinson Kathy Robinson

Take a ‘Right Now’ Job, or Wait for the Right One?

Imagine this: You identified a company you’d be proud to join. You made a great impression, passed the interview stage with flying colors, and now you’re just waiting to hear from your liaison. But when she calls, she says, “There’s been a change of plans—we’re looking to fill a somewhat less senior role after all. Are you still interested?” What do you do?

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Turn Interview Small Talk Into a Big Advantage
Kathy Robinson Kathy Robinson

Turn Interview Small Talk Into a Big Advantage

“How are you today?“ If you’re like most people, you probably respond “fine,” “good,” “great,” or some other bland adjective, and return a similar question of your own. You’ve seen that, in most social settings, this go-to question acts as an easy lay-up of a question that gets the back-and-forth conversation going.

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Your Job Search Needs a ‘Blue Ocean’ Strategy
Kathy Robinson Kathy Robinson

Your Job Search Needs a ‘Blue Ocean’ Strategy

As you prepare for an upcoming job interview, your mind may wander once or twice to the potential other candidates for the role. Whether or not the hiring team has clued you in to a wide berth of competitive job seekers, the idea of someone scooping up this coveted job will likely have you fretting about how to come out on top. What if you could make those competitors irrelevant, or, better yet, disappear?

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How to Get an Executive to Network With You
Kathy Robinson Kathy Robinson

How to Get an Executive to Network With You

You know all about the power of networking, and you’re clear on the need to connect directly with hiring executives to speed up your job search. But here’s what you don’t know: how to get these busy folks to give you the time of day. We’ve compiled some helpful tips on how to get an executive to network with you.

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