Kathy is available as a featured career expert for articles, videos, podcasts, blogs, summits, and/or speaking engagements - see some examples, below.


Rebuilding Your Career
After a Move to Quit

Returning to work with the same bosses and colleagues you were ready to abandon can be a minefield. Your reputation may be dented and your career stalled. Colleagues may be wary, or resentful, if your boss offered you a prize assignment to stay.



Working a room takes
lots of work

“Networking has always been important,” said Kathy Robinson, career and business coach at TurningPoint Career and Business Consulting in Arlington. “But this year it is practically impossible to get a job from inside your house responding to listings on job boards.”



3 Reasons to Secure Your Portfolio Career

Boston-based executive coach Kathy Robinson sees plenty of her clients stumbling into portfolio careers accidentally. Some may be dabbling in something new—and find they really enjoy it. Others have lost their primary job, and they’re looking to take on new work in their field…



NBC: Career Coaches Offer Help During The Great Resignation

CNN: How to Get a Reference When You’re New to the Job Market

Career Addict  How to Break Into the Hidden Job Market

LinkedIn Blog Guest Post: Why LinkedIn is High Octane Fuel for Your Job Search

SmartBear:Software Quality Matters Blog, January 2014  When You Get a Counter-Offer: Should You Stay or Should You Go?

HubSpot Guest Blogger: Are You a Player or a Spectator?

Mendix, the App Platform  Really Great Ways to Ruin a Job Interview

Boston Globe Money & Careers  How to Leave a Job Without Burning Your Bridges

Chase Technology Consultants  Landing a New Job Can Be… Stressful

Boston Herald Is That a Great Workplace?

Boston Globe Career & Money Big Help  Career Makeover: Refining a World of Experience

Boston Globe  Remote Control (Tips on Working from Home)

HP Input-Output  How To Find A Resume Pro

Boston Globe Career & Money  Try Temp Jobs to Get Started in a Field

Boston Globe’s Career & Money Big Help  Extra Training Helps Workers Stand Out The Top 10 Ways to Network Effectively

CBS (WBZ-TV) How Not to Act Old

Boston Globe Career & Money  Changing Jobs in a Tough Market Requires Legwork

Boston Globe Career & Money  Career Makeover: Generalist Needs to Get Specific

Boston Globe Career & Money  Lack of Courtesy in Job Search can be Daunting, But Don’t Give Up

Boston Globe Career & Money  Turn the Story of Your Disparate Job History into an Asset

CNN Money  Relocating for Work, but Telecommuting from Home

Boston Business Journal  Working a Room Takes Lots of Work  Ways to Make the Most of Your Layoff

AOL Jobs/CareerBuilder  Less Pay, More Job Security

The Ladders  Tuning Your Resume to the Right Keywords

CNN Money  Hired! New Job, New State, New Start

CNN Money  Hired! Thanks to Friends

Also quoted as a career expert in career books:

The Art of Networking:  Leveraging Traditional and Social Media Strategies to Get Hired, by Yusuf Wilson, 2011

The FabJob Guide to Become a Career Coach, by Jennifer Fishberg, 2010

Wall Street Journal: How to Renew Lost Career Motivation

Wall Street Journal: Unhappy at Work? Try Hacking Your Job

Wall Street Journal: Rebuilding Your Career After a Move to Quit 5 Traits Employers Want Younger Workers to Have

Considerable Yes, You Can Still Get Promoted at Age 60 How to Assess Your Career Skills in 6 Easy Steps

CNN Money Featured Career Coach: How to Get a Job in 100 Words or Less (Advice)

CNBC: 60% of Women Say They’ve Never Negotiated Their Salary- And Many Quit Their Job Instead Anchor, then Sail: 3 Reasons to Secure Your Portfolio Career

NPR (Radio Panel Interview) Green Careers, Biotech and Job Creation: Is Massachusetts Poised to Lead the Recovery

Korn Ferry: How to Keep Those Promises (What Happens if You Don’t Get What Was Offered) How to Steer Clear of a Toxic Work Culture

Money Magazine: How to Answer the “How Much Money do You Make” Question?

Korn Ferry: Rethinking the Workaholic

Huffington Post: Your Toxic Boss: A Survival Guide

Money Magazine: 5 Ways to Get the Career Skills You Need

DollarSprout: 5 How to Make a Good First Impression the First Day at a New Job 

Korn Ferry: Meetings: The Ultimate Time Suck

Korn Ferry: How to Keep Up Your Self Esteem While Job Hunting

Boston Globe, 8 Unspoken Rules of Celebrating Valentine’s Day at Work

Korn Ferry: The Art of Electronically Praising a Colleague Confronting a Co-Worker Who Undermines You

Korn Ferry: Recovering from a Mistake at Work

Life Reimagined (AARP)  Back to the Grind After Being Your Own Boss

Life Reimagined (AARP)  Don’t Lose Your Identity When You Downsize Your Job

Life Reimagined (AARP)  Self-Check: Is Your Career on Autopilot?

Life Reimagined (AARP)  Your Business Partner is Letting You Down

Life Reimagined (AARP)  Accepting a Controversial Promotion

Life Reimagined (AARP) How to Downplay an Embarrassing Job

Life Reimagined (AARP)  The Upside of Getting Fired

Inside Story with Ray Suarez, Al Jazeera America (TV Panel Interview) Job Numbers Rise but with Hidden Costs

Lifehacker: How to Deal With a Manipulative Coworker

AARP Work@50+ Resumes and Cover Letters

Boston Globe No More Mr. Mom

Boston Globe  Tips for Dads (and Moms) Returning to the Workforce


About Kathy Robinson.jpg

A transformative executive career coach, speaker and thought leader, Kathy Robinson elevates, refreshes and amplifies the professional identity and career potential of executives within their workplaces and industries. She helps leaders shape and share their unique, authentic leadership story, voice and vision, translating into better long-term career opportunity as well as higher professional visibility and impact.

Named a US Top Ten Career Coach by CNN Money, Kathy is the President and Founder of a career coaching platform called TurningPoint, where she oversees a network of 100+ career coaches who serve job seekers through group and one-on-one career coaching. In addition to leading TurningPoint, Kathy provides strategic, differentiated career coaching directly to executive clients.

Through her deft blend of strategic career management, marketing insight and understanding of the executive-level job and board market, Kathy leads executives through the process of discovering and building powerful executive branding and messaging that delivers high impact and return for job searches, board role searches, internal promotions and/or industry-wide thought leadership platforms.

Prior to launching TurningPoint in 2004, Kathy held a number of Human Resources and recruiting leadership roles across a range of companies and industries, helping shape leadership, culture, training, employment, and employee relations programs that propel and advance talented professionals. She has built career programs, internal and external personal branding workshops, and succession planning platforms to identify and nurture leaders of the future with targeted training and career opportunities.

Kathy has been featured as a career thought leader across many media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Business Journal, Boston Magazine, The Boston Globe (as their Career Makeover Expert), CNN/Money, CBS, NPR, Forbes and Time, as well as many podcasts.

Kathy consults with many emerging companies as a business mentor and is an active volunteer and advisor for numerous community groups. She holds a BA in Sociology from Trinity College in Hartford, CT. She resides with her family in the Greater Boston area.

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